Residential renovation projects: the art nouveau (jugend) apartment buildings at Aurakatu 20 in Turku, the suburban buildings at Jussilankatu 16 and Kapulantie 12-14 in Hyvinkää etc. In many projects we collaborate with the local museum center. Projects: former factory property of Nokian Portti, student dormitory and public spaces of Kåren in Turku etc.
Log framed renovation projects have included Paijula school in Nousiainen, Vartiovuorenkatu 5 etc. Several of our projects have undergone a restoration of the original structure, such as the renovation and alteration of the facades of Kivikartiontie 9-13 apartment buildings.
Projects include transformation and changes in facades, structures, spaces, and uses or solving technical or indoor air problems. We achieve always sustainability and accessibility.
The designer of the renovations and alterations must be familiar with the technology of the original construction phase and identify the characteristic features of the site. Bringing the new and old structures together, can create a memorable environment. Financing a renovation project is sometimes possible through an extension.