Senior housing, care centers for elderly and nursing homes are our expertise. Our customers have included assisted living associations in Espoo, Hollola and Mynämäki, Cancer Society of South-West Finland, Attendo-Medone, Saga Care, Helsinki Mission, the cities of Raasepori, Loviisa and Hyvinkää etc.
We design housing in different scales and our projects vary from blocks of apartment buildings to detached houses. We have worked with log framed dwellings, both in new buildings and renovations. Merikansantie 2 in Espoo, Ajurinkuja 1 in Espoo, and Rauhankatu 6 in Turku are our newest apartment building projects.
Needs assessment, pre-planning, sketch design, collaboration with the authorities, composing material for the construction permit, technical drawings, planning during construction, managing the design team, and master planning – we are gladly involved in your project from the very beginning all the way to the commissioning.
Prizes and honorary award in architectural competitions: the Nordic competition for the Copenhagen waterfront areas, the idea competition for the city centre of Kauhajoki, the design competition for the Rauska area, the Medone assisted living competition etc. Sakari Himanen has received the University of Oulu Housing Design Award.